Boat Alarm and Remote Marine Monitoring Systems
With Optional Marine HD Cameras
Australian Made

A remotely monitored boat alarm or marine security system is essential for yachts, cruisers and commercial vessels
They provide assurance that your boat is safe when unattended on either a mooring or berths
Trek Optional Cameras are outstanding on a boat – you can see whats happening – no guessing

Trek Transponder is an easy to use 4G Remote Boat Alarm Monitor designed for Australian conditions
Trek Transponder sends fast alarm messages and a series of HD camera images if there’s a problem on board
Straight forward installation – No Apps, Wi-Fi or Monthly Plans – When you buy it you own it
No exposed electrical terminals to corrode and fail – design is fully self contained ruggedised IP67
**** Readily replacement for obsolete 3G Systems ****
Low Batteries
Bilge High Water
Shore Power Fail
Intruder On Board
Boat Adrift from Mooring
Boat Moving – Track on Google Earth
Anchor drag
Pitch and roll / listing
Fire and Smoke
Fridge Freezer Fail

On alarm – intruder detected
On an automatic schedule
On demand – any time

Optional Space Guard - Monitors Your Deck for Intruders Night and Day- from underneath!
Trek Transponder Space Guard is a small optional sensor that is wired to the Trek Transponder. It monitors an adjustable near field space of up to 5m for intruders by sensing through fibreglass or timber allowing you to mount it under the deck or inside a locker where it won’t get in the way or spoil your boats appearance. If an intruder steps onto your deck you will get an SMS text message, a series of optional HD photos and can optionally turn on a very loud siren and flashing light deterrent.
The Space Guard can usually be used with other alarm systems. Trek Transponder owners can buy them at half price. Multiple units can readily be fitted on larger boats. Its common to fit three units on large catamarans and on cruisers fit them under fore and aft decks. To keep cost down fitting one Space Guard under the deck near the boats entry will often suffice. A huge benefit is they are invisible to the intruder and by triggering siren and lights early can often prevent your boat from being damaged and broken into.
Read more here
Models suitable for yachts, cruisers and commercial vessels
Sends Alarms to Five Mobile Numbers
Can automatically call you if theres an alarm
Extremely Low Power Design
Automatic IR Lighting for Camera Night Vision
NMEA 0183 GPS Output for Free OpenCPN Chart Plotter
Three 4A Remote Controlled Relay Outputs for Siren, Fridge and Deck Lights
Can send automatic hourly or daily status reports
Optional 2 x 50 Amp Power Relay Outputs
Can be Piggy Backed onto Existing Alarm Systems to add Remote Access
Hundreds of private yacht and cruiser owners around Australia use the Trek Transponder to protect their vessels and reduce insurance costs
The Heritage Fleets at The Australian Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour and National Museum Canberra are protected by Trek Transponders
Hire fleets, commercial super yacht and classic vessels such as Mohasuwei and Windeward Bound protect their boats with their Trek Transponder
Save time and expense, call 02 8078 6905 to find out how to protect your boat right now

Australian orders dispatched by Express Post Daily, Americas, UK, Europe orders dispatched by DHL at cost, NZ orders dispatched by EMS free, or can be sent by DHL at cost – ask us for price. Lead time is 7 days standard but can usually be expedited on request.